Antioch Missions Council

Our VisionAntioch

We seek to advance the Great Commission by being a church that 1) is composed of member missionaries, both domestic and foreign, and that 2) faithfully and sacrificially cares for the needs of our current and future supported missionaries.

 1. To create member missionaries we will: 
    - Teach them the Great Commission and its implications for ministry, prayer, and stewardship.
    - Send members of our church to do missions ministry, both long-term and short-term.
    - Communicate the prayer requests and material needs of our missionaries.
    - Demonstrate missions involvement, beginning with church leadership.
    - Exemplify a passion for God's plan for the nations that is reproducible.

2. To care for the needs of our current and future supported missionaries we will:
    - Pray specifically and faithfully for their current needs, requests, and praises.
    - Build close relationships through faithful communication and warm reception.
    - Ensure continuing doctrinal harmony as the basis of an effective ministry partnership.
    - Provide support that is both substantial and sacrificial.
    - Enfold, equip and entrust future missionaries from within our own body.

If you would like to give to the missions program at Church of the Canyons you can do so online here.


 Our Missionaries:


Bible Tabernacle: Santa Clarita Valley

The Bible Tabernacle is a drug and alcohol rehabilitation center in Canyon Country, California. COC has enjoyed a close association with them for several years, with several members of our church having come from that ministry. 

Eric & Heather Z.: Dubai

Eric, Heather and their five children live and work in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, along with Eric's brother Scott and his family. Eric has a doctorate in theology and helps lead and teach at a seminary, the Gulf Training Center, to train local pastors from all over the Middle East to impact their churches and through those churches all of India for the gospel.

Eric and Heather are sent through Amiela. Visit Amiela for more information on supporting Eric and Heather's ministry. 

Johnny & Alexandra Gravino: Italy

Johnny and Alexandra Gravino began serving in Sicily in 2009. Johnny is involved a church plant and oversees a seminary that trains up Italian pastors. 

P & H: Southeast Asia

P and H minister to university students, hoping to reach the next generation of leaders for a greater impact in that part of the world. They seek to glorify God by producing disciples of Jesus Christ for the purpose of church planting and initiating a mission movement.

SCV Pregnancy Center: Santa Clarita, California 

We support our local pregnancy center's outreach to women and families facing crisis pregnancies. For more info, visit their website:

Mark & Jess Stucky: Brazil

Mark and Jess Stucky met at COC while in college. They and their two young sons are now church planting in Sapiranga, Brazil. Their church, Ministério Bíblico de Sapiranga, officially started service in October 2018. The Stuckys are a part of Brazil Gospel Fellowship Mission.

 Hear more about their initial ministry plans in the video below, and keep track of them at their blog, Mark, Jess, and Brazil.
